Like a science laboratory, AP LAX Lab is a learning environment for motivated players where discovery, innovation and tons of reps lead to amazing breakthroughs for our athletes.

We offer our athletes an environment where they can learn the “why” of the skill they are developing in sessions where initial failure is encouraged. There’s no fear of costing the team the game or getting a coach’s wrath.

We know failure is the path to eventual success and it is the fuel that leads athletes beyond their comfort zone and toward new performance heights.

Each step of the way, our passionate and experienced team of instructors encourages each athlete’s experimentation and development. There is one instructor per 6 athletes and tons fo reps. Athletes regularly get more reps in one session than they get in a full season of practices.

Join us for a session and see the difference. If your athlete doesn’t love it or feel like they learned and improved, we will refund you. We’re that confident they will love it.

What you can expect

  • 6:1 athlete to coach ratio

  • One hour sessions

  • Experienced and motivated staff

  • Shooting mechanics

  • Off hand development

  • Dodging fundamentals

  • Redodges and connecting dodges

  • First step explosiveness

  • Finishing

  • “Ground up” defensive development

  • Ladders for improved footwork

  • Bands for more explosive responses

  • Positioning

  • Stick posture

  • Stick confidence